We have so many calves, we're moving the older ones out to pasture to let the newborns use the pens in the barn. Hooray! In fact, yesterday was the first day since the beginning of calving season that NO CALVES were born! Kris hardly knew what to do with himself.
Since we haven't used this pasture for calves before, we have to build a fence. Kris worked on it today. I love the way he works, because he explains all the way along to the boys what he's doing and has them help as much as they can. Due to size, they get more helpful every day! (You can see Max peeking from underneath.)

It seemed cooler today, and we had a storm last night that was a lot of wind and not much rain. We had a big dead limb in our driveway. It's the perfect weather for being outside - not too hot, not too cold. The cattle will be loving it - and I can't wait to see the calves frolicking in this pasture.
Cole worked with Kris longer than the other boys. He came home and said, "I got shocked and I caught a cricket." I'm glad the shock factor is just as exciting as catching an insect.
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