Wednesday, September 5, 2012


When you have your feed in big piles on the ground, you have to get it off in an efficient way.  Until last month, that way for us was to knock it off with the skid steer bucket.
But!  There's a piece of equipment called a defacer that's designed to get the feed off the pile.  It helps in keeping the feed fresher, because you don't expose as much of it to the air.  It makes it easier for when we feed small quantities, like we do in the summer.  Overall, it helps in creating less spoilage. 
It's also ... cool.  We already had one James Bond torture device we used last year.  Now we use another one daily.  Rotating points grinding away?  Check.  On a piece of heavy equipment?  Coming right toward you?  IT'S THE DEFACER. 
And it's not even Halloween yet. 

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