Thursday, May 7, 2015

Such a beautiful sight


Ah...the cows were already out on pasture, and today we put out the heifers!  Today Kris, Mike, and Josh painstakingly, doing seven at a time in our trailer, transported the heifers from the barn to the pasture across from our house.  Now there are over 100 out there!  

When they let them off from the trailer, they both were ready with dewormer, which they put on their backs.  They had definitely perfected it - undo fence.  Drive through.  Connect fence.  Undo trailer. Put dewormer on cows as they exit.  Undo fence.  Drive through.  Put seven more heifers from barn into trailer. 

I love having them across the road.  It's one of my favorite sights.  

Here's from my parents' house ...

Even though they're all some sort of Holstein, they look very different.  We have all white ones -

We have Dalmatian-type ones -

We have a lot of black and white -

And we have the black/brown/whites!  Seriously, look at those colors.

I can't stop looking!  This is one of my favorite sights - from my yard.  It's finally pasture season.

I was just looking at these pictures with Kris and asked him, "Do you have a favorite kind of cow?" He said, "Yes!  The ones that milk a lot."

If you want to know more, you can like my farm page on Facebookfollow @carlashelley on twitter, or get the posts sent to your email by filling out the form on the right. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me! 

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