Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Ended the year with a bang...

We really ended the year with a bang! On December 31, we had an electrical fire in our old tractor.  (Very old ... my dad bought it used in the early 90s.) No one was hurt, and due to the cool head of especially Mike and the guys, plus our fire department, the feed pile, buildings and cows were fine too! It really seemed the perfect way to end 2020!

I talked to Mike about it later, and he said he'd thought about it before - what he would do if a tractor caught fire. Like try to put it out with the fire extinguisher (check), move it away from the buildings and feed and cows (check), and spread sand on the burning diesel fuel (check.) What a guy! 

Now we're into 2021, and we're hoping it's not such a dumpster-tractor-fire of a year. 

Yesterday I got two messages from neighbors that there was a milk truck in the ditch, then they quickly messaged again to tell me it was actually a feed truck. The driver asked Kris to come and pull him out, because that's what happens every time a commercial vehicle around here gets stuck - much faster than a tow. But our tractor wasn't big enough to get him out - so we went to get another one, and another trucker came to pull him out. Good thing, because we are DOWN a tractor!

The builders are working on the barn project, the cows are happy with the relatively mild weather, and it's business as usual for all of us. Oh, except we're dealing with that mass hysteria, so my kids don't have school or sports. More time for sledding, I's to a shiny new year! May it be as bright as a tractor fire!

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