Sunday, April 5, 2020

What's going on now...

A few people have asked about milk …

Despite the panic buying of milk, the closing of restaurants and schools, plus the disruption of exports, means that we have lost a huge percentage of our market. (Approximately 45% of cheese sold in the U.S. goes through restaurants, and approximately 7% of fluid milk goes through schools.)

Fluid milk is perishable, so it can’t be stored. Milk powder can be stored, but warehouses are full. Milk processing plants are running at the highest level, but it’s impossible for them to keep up with the excess.

The price farmers get for milk is predicted to fall over 30% this spring. This isn’t going to change until restaurants reopen, schools resume, and our export markets stabilize.

All businesses are suffering. April can’t go fast enough. I want things back to normal as soon as possible.

If you would like to donate fresh milk to people in need in your community, you can go here:

1 comment:

  1. Yeah businesses are suffering. And when you mention it, you are a misanthrope. But there are human lives depending on businesses, who will suffer and die, if they cant make business anymore. It is all horrific. As for me, I try to support small businesses. I dont like to go outside for shopping now. But even by shopping online, you can support small businesses. Amazon is big enough and their stock market is rising even in those times - unbelievable. I found a new online shop for my cosmetics during the crisis. Its All natural ingredients and sustainable. A company I like to support in those times. Support sustainable and local manufacturers! :)
