Monday, March 18, 2019

Michigan Dairy Cattle News - Spring edition

Today seemed like spring! 

1. I saw a robin two days ago for the first time, then again yesterday, and today all day.  They are here to STAY.

2.  The sun was shining and the birds were singing.

3. The boys played baseball.  (We did too.) 

4. I picked up a million sticks in the yard. 

5. It smells like spring, which is a mix of dirt and joy.

Spring really comes on Wednesday, and I am so ready!  In fact, I'm ready two days early.

The farm is ready, too.  Lots of new adventures ahead! 

The spring edition of Michigan Dairy Cattle News came out, and here are my articles.  Please note, the new cheese plant is in our town!  We like to check on its progress since we drive past it ten times a week.

I love writing, I love agriculture, and ... I love spring!  Hope the birds, the scents, and the warmth are balancing out the amount of mud in your life. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice articles. What are the odds that 2 Brents went into business together?
