Friday, October 12, 2018

Fill 'er up

Bulk tank #2 is finished!  Wall is built, window is done, door is in, and mostly important, it works.  We're using it already, and it makes us all happy to have enough storage for all the milk these wonderful cows are producing.

It's fall here, which means it's beautiful.  The leaves are gorgeous, the temperature has been one that the cattle like better, and our harvest is done.  We feel for the farmers that are still trying to do their corn and soybeans, because it's been really wet and they haven't been able to get into their fields.  

I have a friend that pays no attention to the weather, because - she really doesn't have to!  If your kid wears a jacket or doesn't, it's not a big deal.  But to farmers, there is nothing like checking your weather app and discussing the weather with other farmers.  Thinking about it, planning your life and business around it, discussing it - it's going to happen!  You can go years without talking about your bulk tank, but rain?!  Never.

It's homecoming in our town so I'm off for the parade and the game - so fun, and NO rain in the forecast!  

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