Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Sand sand sand

Image may contain: shoes

The first barn is done - all sand bedding! See them lying down? Beachy.

We moved on to changing over the second (built in 1972) barn and found a great surprise! After removing the mattresses and cutting away the cement we found an old curb - no need to pour a new curb in this section!

This picture shows the sand that was already there as a base under the cement. It's been a major effort by everyone on the team.

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This is now completed, and there's a small section on the opposite side to do.  But before that happens ... it's time to cut hay.  Everyone likes a little variety in their jobs, right?

When Kris isn't working on the farm, he is helping the boys with their 4-H calves.  

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, sky, tree, cloud, outdoor and nature

The boys are juuuuust slightly stronger than the calves.  We'll see if that's still true in July!

Want to know more about the farm?  Like the page on Facebook, on Twitter @carlashelley, or sign up to get the blog by email - the form is on the right side of the page.


  1. Thank you for sharing with us. We always find joy and fun in little things. On your birthday you got many gift either in the form of ice cream of every flavor or a good friend.

  2. I always feel god to read your post and progression about your barns and animals and feel happy for you. Congrats for the first barn.

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