Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A decade in...

Ten years ago today Kris had his first day on our farm.

I moved here in February of 2007 to work full-time at TechSmith.  I took great satisfaction in the fact that I could still fit all of my clothes, shoes, home office, and music in my little Pontiac Grand Prix - just like all of my college years!  Kris moved everything else by himself.  Luckily, he is great at packing.

So when he moved here in March, he had his first day at work.  Of course I wanted to take his picture.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and outdoor

My parents got him that coat as a gift for his birthday the month before - his first Carhartt.  Right now, he was just leaving for the barn, and we calculated that he's on his third!  His current one is a taaaaaad dirtier.  (What a testament to a durable product.)

We got out the photo album tonight and showed the kids.  Ty and Cole kept marveling at how giant pregnant I was with them, and Max asked continually, "Where am I?!"  The pictures already seem so dated - here we are in the old barn, here you are climbing up to fix the old silo, here we are - just two of us - in our house!

I love to speculate what our lives would have been like if we wouldn't have bought the farm.  We have good friends who work for Caterpillar, and it's like checking out the parallel existence.  It seems great also!  It's just different, for sure.  As for us, we're happy we bought the farm, we love living here, and we're excited to see where this adventure goes.

Let's think ...

How many more coats will Kris go through before he sheds them and heads for a warm, sunny retirement community?

How many changes will the farm go through in the next ten years?

and -

Did anyone think that electrical setup in the picture above was a good idea?

Want to know more about the farm?  Like the page on Facebook, on Twitter @carlashelley, or sign up to get the blog by email - the form is on the right side of the page.   

1 comment:

  1. Farm life is one of the best life I can say it as I have experienced it. Spent really good time out there. Thank you for sharing the post
