Sunday, March 13, 2016

Show Us Your Ag! - National Agriculture Week

I posted some pictures on my Facebook page that I wanted to also share here (you are welcome to follow me on Facebook too.)

This week we celebrated National Cereal Day ... after seeing this, my funny friend Tara asked if we pair milks with cereals, like wine with meals:

I substitute taught at Fowler High School and was delighted to see that Joe Feldpausch had driven a tractor to school:

Our snow is all gone, and my kids are going barefoot again:

Kris took a weekend off from farming to cheer the Spartans on to a Big Ten Tournament Championship!  Now it's back to farming this week, and this week is special because ,,, it's National Agriculture Week!

March 13-19, U.S. Farmers & Rancher's Alliance is asking everyone to "Show Us Your Ag!" You can submit a short video, an image or a blog about life on your farm.  Each day they will select a winner to feature on USFRA's social media channels. You can learn all about it (and see someone you know) here.

Have a great, agriculture-filled week!  I'm starting mine tomorrow by reading farming books to kindergarten students.  So really, it's going to start out adorable.

Want to know more about the farm?  Like the page on Facebook, on Twitter @carlashelley, or sign up to get the blog by email - the form is on the right side of the page.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I'd like to recommend you amazing equipment for processing milk which is available at special prices on ebay:
