Friday, November 6, 2015

Wow, do I love teaching this age

Rebecca Daman at St Joseph Catholic School in St Johns (lots of saints in that sentence, don't be confused) asked me to come in again this year to do a dairy lesson with her begindergarten class. This is a class for 4-5 year olds.

I have a five year old, and let me once again reiterate - this is such a wonderful age.  The kids were adorable.  First of all, they pretend they're going to ask a question, but instead just tell me an unrelated story that they were thinking about.  It's never not funny.

Second of all, they're so interested in everything!  They love hearing about dairy farms, cows, and how all sorts of food gets to them.

Third of all, they laugh at my jokes, no matter how silly.  In fact, the sillier the better.

We read a few dairy books, then a few general farming books, and discussed them.  I also took a milker, a calf bottle, and cow models to show them.  They answered all the quiz questions at the end of the lesson, I answered their question/statements, and they were super excited about the coloring books and chocolate milk!

As I left, Maddox said, "Thank you.  I love milk.  I miss you."

Is there a better ending to a lesson?

Thank you to Rebecca Daman and her lovely class!  

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