Friday, February 20, 2015

Popular Pork & Poultry

The kind people organizing the Pork & Poultry Symposium asked me to speak.  They said they've been trading off pork producers and poultry producers and - wild card!  Throw in a dairy farmer every once in awhile.

Like most farmer get togethers, it was a great time.  No matter the specific industry, we all have a lot in common.  

They told me that the chefs at the Lansing Center really go above and beyond incorporating pork and poultry into every bite.  I bet it's a fun kind of challenge - different than the regular meeting!  

I think this is what they meant by above and beyond ... you don't see this on every menu:

And every salad bar doesn't offer meat from two different sources, prepared at least three ways.

During the presentation, I showed one of my favorite pictures of our visit to our friend Brian's pig farm.  Could he look more skeptical?

Meanwhile, back on our farm ... super cold.  -15 this morning.  The kids were off of school for two days.  (I'm not really sure why.  I haven't talked to anyone who is sure why.  There is one thing we all agree on - we never got off for it being cold when we were in school.  Then we all take a moment to reflect on how incredibly old and crotchety this makes us sound.)

The cold is hard on the guys, the machinery, and the cows don't love it either.  It's another reason pork farmers and poultry farmers moved their animals into temperature controlled barns, a farmer mentioned to me.  

But ... spring is around the corner!  And it doesn't matter what kind of farmer you are - everyone's looking forward to that.  Well, everyone except the kids going to school.

If you want to know more about the farm, you can like my farm page on Facebook, follow @carlashelley or get the posts in your email by filling out the form on the right.

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