Thursday, January 22, 2015

Voice of Agriculture!

Michigan Farm Bureau puts on a Voice of Agriculture conference that helps people get ideas about promotion and get educational resources for doing outreach in schools, for adults, and to the media.  

I attended the breakout sessions on working with the media, doing lesson plans with The Cow in Patrick O'Shanahan's Kitchen (which teaches about food sources), and social media.  Then I did the motivational, go-get-em speech.  It was a blast!  Everyone was so enthusiastic and invested!  

When I was in a breakout session I met some new people - they were whispering funny things in the back of the room.  One girl is a cherry farmer!  She asked me, "Have your kids ever picked cherries?  Have YOU ever picked cherries?"  Big no to both of those.  So she immediately invited us to her farm this summer and said she'd save us some to pick.  

So obviously, the day was already a success at that point.  

Another girl had a sheep farm.  (I learned a common question for sheep farmers - "Do the sheep get cold when they're shorn?")  The background of her phone was a picture of a sheep.  Know why?  Because they're adorable.  She lives in the same area as the cherry farm ... probably should visit.

After my talk, and meeting great people, and learning about promotion and education - I ate the snack they had.  Warm, salted pretzels, which are one of my favorite treats.  The drink they provided? Milk.

Thanks to Farm Bureau!  You really know how to put on a good conference.  Inspiring, entertaining, and nutritious.

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