Monday, January 6, 2014


Everything was cancelled or closed today.  MSU was closed for the fifth time in history.  Regular offices, my dentist, my doctor, the library, the city of Lansing, every single school ... that's how much snow we have. 

It looks like we got over a foot, and it blew hard all day, making driving difficult.  The plows just can't get everywhere, and even when they plow, the roads just keep drifting over.

When we were driving home last night from getting our kids, the highway was fine, but our road had only one track.  If we went off the track, we'd get stuck.  The snow was hitting the bottom of our vehicle in the middle.  Kris wondered aloud, "What am I going to do if someone comes in the opposite direction?" because there was NO WAY we could move over.  But luckily, for the 7 miles we were on it, no one did!  Thanks for staying home, everyone!

For Kris, it means a lot more of plowing snow.  He spends a long time in the morning pushing snow so that the feed truck and the milk truck can get here.  Plus, he needs to be able to get around to feed the cows.

The snow is so deep - deeper than I remember seeing in a LONG time - that Kris drove the high school milkers to work and back.  They usually ride together in a car, and a car wouldn't make it down their unplowed roads.  So Kris picked them up and drove them home.  He said they encountered a truck stuck on one of the guy's roads, and Kris also almost got stuck, but - an uneventful day, all around.  Power is on, vehicles are moving, cows are fed ... and we're all looking forward to the 40 degrees forecasted for this weekend!


  1. And here I am in STL complaining about the snow and cold here. Clearly, it could be MUCH worse. Hopefully that 40 degree weather comes early!

  2. Ha! Thanks. Today it was -10 when I got up. It's all anyone can talk about ... no matter where they are! : ) Have a great day.

  3. Are the cows even milkable?! It seems like all that milk would just freeze up in their udders! :)

  4. Glad you made it safely. I was a student at MSU in 1978 one of those other historic times it closed!

  5. Ha! Kris' mom had to take a snowmobile to the main road because she was due with him and afraid she'd go into labor and not be able to get out!
