Monday, January 27, 2014

Answering questions

I went to Farm Bureau's Voice of Agriculture conference to be on a panel on social media.  Another speaker and I talked about why and how we communicate about farming online.  The actual name - which was attention-catching thanks to Jill Corrin - was 'A Social Media Tell-All.'  (Intriguing, right?!)

Most of the people who attended weren't yet doing social media work with agriculture, so it was interesting talking to them and answering their questions. 

After the technical aspects of it, I also focused on the why of it - that many people don't have an agricultural connection in their personal lives, so you can be the person to answer questions.  (Keep the questions coming!)

On the way out I saw they had a snack room, where they were offering warm pretzels, which are one of my favorites.  I asked a friend to take a picture of me with it, and she thought it was kind of funny. 

She doesn't know that I love them so much that I have not one, not two, but three pretzel Christmas ornaments at home.  That's how much I love them and how much people know that I love them.  They're all gifts, I adore them, and I put every one of them on our tree.

If you have questions about pretzels, I'm also the person you can ask.


  1. Maybe you could blog about farming AND pretzels on a regular basis. You could call it "Farming With A Twist."

  2. Man, you're funny! That would make it all a lot more palatable. : )

  3. I didn't use it because my eyes were red, but you can still see the joy in them:
