Monday, June 25, 2012

Faces of Agriculture

Elizabeth Martin and Jamie Rhoades started a new blog called 'Faces of Agriculture.'  They aim to show "the human side of farming and ranching beyond the machines and science." 

They started two weeks ago and already have great stories and pictures from two different ranches in Texas, a ranch in South Dakota, and now us!

You can check out the feature here: Truth or Dairy with Kris and Carla Wardin

Funny thing ... they asked me to submit pictures of us on our farm.  I have seven million of Kris and the boys, but could not find even one of me on the farm.  But now, my sons are so old (five last week) they can take pictures!  Here is Cole's first photo contribution to the blog. 


  1. Thanks for the shout out Carla! We really enjoyed your ag story and were very excited to feature you!

  2. Really nice blog ! :) im from Finland, we have hereford cattle, and im lovin cows! So i like and its great to watch and read how things do around the world. (;

  3. Great shot Cole! What a nice family picture. Who took that one?

  4. Thanks for mentioning us and linking back to our blog! We appreciate it - I'm so impressed with your son's picture taking skills!
