Sunday, April 29, 2012

A weekend of planting

Kris planted corn all weekend long. He's still - at 10:00pm - doing it right now!

We strolled down to see him yesterday evening.

On the way, we stopped to meet the new calf. Two heifers, now! The newest one looks huge next to the preemie.

This field is 100 acres. My grandpa always said (I know this through my dad) that this was the best field on the farm. So I've always liked it, too.

Since we had the field worked up, it unearthed a lot of rocks. This is what an old-fashioned rock picker looks like. No, not machinery. A guy with a truck, picking up rocks:

Kris came over to see us. He said these were a fraction of what he picked up, since he also throws and rolls them off to the sides of the field. Rocky, eh?! You'd never guess it by looking at it ... until you're trying to plant in it, I guess.

One of the best things about farming is that we can visit Kris whenever we want. He took the boys for a ride with him to finish up the planting. (It's okay. Common sense prevailed on the child labor laws against working on farms ... it's been dropped.)

Kris was hoping to get the planting done before the influx of calves. It looks like he'll be done either tonight or tomorrow. Then, soon ... this barn will be full!

As full as Kris' and the guys' summer schedule.


  1. Hey, I know what being an old fashioned rock picker feels like! We picked rock out of our hayfields to avoid breaking the swather. Many, many hot afternoons spent doing that. I'd rather have been picking flowers. At least they're light!

  2. Haha! I'm glad you can identify. If you ever want to relive the past, come on over ... : )
