Friday, April 1, 2011


Karla Palmer, who's the district nurse for St Johns, invited us to a program for the kids at the town elementary school today. They've introduced a new fruit and vegetable bar, in addition to the lunch that's already served.

Denise, the woman who implemented it, showed the kids a 5-section tray.

Three sections are for fruits and vegetables, she instructed. The one at the top is for (she paused) and the kids yelled, "MILK!" And the last one is for (she paused again) and there were a variety of answers, from "Cookie!" to "More fruit!" She answered "Your entree."

I was impressed by the food - she even kindly offered to let my kids take a turn at the bar. Fresh grapes, oranges, bananas, good canned mixed fruit, carrots, broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes, etc. It was all colorful and crisp and tasty.

I was also impressed on how every kid knew which section was for milk. There was no hesitation at all. No one yelled 'water' or 'pop' or any other hint of another word.

After my kids finished the food on their trays, I saw why:

Can you see that? Hooray, healthy choices, and milk on their trays! Literally.

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