Today, on the other hand ... it's snowing hard, it's cold and windy, and there's a snow storm in the forecast.
Didn't matter to the lagoon builders though! They were here early, working away.
It still seems like a holiday - I'm not exactly sure what day of the week it is - but everyone's back to work.
If your 'work' is blogging about it, the snow doesn't matter anyway.
Speaking of, a guy called today to ask me to be a part of a social media panel at the Michigan Potato grower annual meeting. It sounds like fun - not only do I know the other panel members, but I also would love to read a potato grower blog! I know you would too. I'm sure we can think of some creative, punny names for their blogs. I say potato, you say potato ... I've got my eye on you ... an ap'peel'ing story ... I could go on and on, but I better save something for the panel.
I'm off to watch the snow fall! And my kids shoveling my walk! Gee, winter sure is tough.