Truth or Dairy
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
New from Evergreen Dairy!
Thursday, January 30, 2025
National Dairy Quality Awards
I'm so incredibly proud of Kris and our fantastic team members for winning a Gold National Dairy Quality Award!
This is the fifth time our farm has been named a national award winner.
The award is judged on producing consistent high quality milk, udder health, milking routine, health protocols, and strategies for overall herd welfare.
Thank you Hoard's Dairyman, sponsors, and Rachel Brown of MMPA!
I post frequently on Facebook at TruthorDairy and Instagram at TruthorDairyfarm. Feel free to follow along there!
Thursday, February 1, 2024
National Dairy Quality Awards - 2024
We are so honored to receive a National Dairy Quality Award! I am so proud of Kris and our wonderful team. The award is for consistently producing high quality milk, measured by quality, udder health, milking routine and protocols, and strategies for overall herd health and welfare.
Evergreen Dairy received a Silver Award, and this is the fourth year we’ve been a recipient.
Thanks to Lindsay Green at MMPA, the NMC and sponsors, and our entire team on and off the farm!
More here.
Monday, December 25, 2023
12 Days of Christmas - 2023
I did this last year and had a lot of fun with it. For the next 12 days, let's take a walk down memory lane!
On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
It's our Christmas card picture from this year, taken by our friend Andrew! Somehow he knew that standing in the ditch right off our lawn was going to be a great view of the leaves.
Merry Christmas to all of you. Thank you for reading about our farm all year long!
On Christmas Eve...we love a photo recreation, and what's better than a photo recreation of a Christmas card photo? The calf had no interest. We had so much fun doing this one!
These boys have been putting tires on the pile since they could drag one.
Thanks to the many people who have helped over the years - not only our wonderful team (they are so fast and strong!), but our family, tons of friends (even from out of state), our pastor, our kids' have all made this giant job go quickly!
The pizza tastes even better when you're looking at all the hard work of the year - the planting, growing, irrigating, worrying, harvesting - in a nice, tidy pile, all covered up and secure, ready for your cattle to eat the rest of the year. There's no other feeling like it!
Kris and I both grew up watching our parents (and grandparents) work, and we're trying to instill the same work ethic in our kids. Living on a farm makes it easier, since there's always some work to do!
On the fourth day of Christmas...
Below - my dad and little me sitting on the porch swing on our front porch in our first house on the farm. Based on what he's wearing, you can tell dad is just taking a break from working to say hello. (Terrible colors back then, right?)
Top - my dad and little Ty and Cole, on the same swing! It's still on our porch today! You can tell they are fascinated by the candy they are about to eat...and their grandpa.
Kris and I both grew up living next to our grandparents, and we wanted the same for our kids. My dad told us he would work with Kris for a year on the farm when we came back, and then he wanted to do his own thing. And he did! Got his private pilot's license, flew all over, followed his own interests...while always still helping, giving advice, working anytime he was asked, and best of all...helping raise our kids. And still is today!
On the fifth day of Christmas...
Field rocks can be used for so much! My mom has hauled so, so many rocks out of rock piles over the years. Not only has she built a rock wall at her house (now mine), she built one at her new house, too! This picture is after she revived mine, since it's been there so long it was sinking into the ground.
My ancestors moved here when the land was first being settled and cleared trees and rocks to make fields. It seems like such hard, manual labor.
The rocks still emerge from the ground any time we work the soil. We rock pick fields - one of my favorite jobs, because it's so easy to see the results - every year. We have rock piles next to the fields everywhere, and we even have one next to our yard, waiting for our next project.
We're thankful for my mom making our yards and farm beautiful. Have I mentioned she also mows all the lawns?!
Sharing about the farm on my blog and social media made me a photographer, because I wanted to show what I saw.
There were wonderful shots like this one - in 2019, we had to clean debris off the irrigation screen when the water was low. Now we cover it with a moving screen so this isn't needed anymore. But for a time, this was a job that needed doing that no one really liked. On this day, it appeared that Cole was perfect for the job.
In 2012, Faces of Agriculture did a little article on us, and that's how this picture came about. Did they take it? Did I have someone take it? How did it come about that I was wearing a dress, holding little Max in our pasture? I don't remember that part, but I do love this picture!
In that article I said, "My favorite part about having a farm is the lifestyle. Not only is this our business, but it’s a way of life. Since there’s no real separation between work and home, the five of us are often together. Of course, it’s hard work, there’s not a lot of time off, and it’s stressful. But so is owning any business. At least with this one, we’re producing something we’re proud of, and we have a great view while we’re at it."
On the 8th day of Christmas...we spend a lot of time not only feeding, milking, and caring for the cattle...but looking at them on the pasture. It's one of my favorite sights. My house has pasture in front and behind, so I see it a lot!
I love seeing them excited and jumping around, when they come to greet me, when they run alongside me, when you get in there and they grab your clothes with their mouths, eating and calm, lying down and sleeping. I love living alongside them.
On the 9th day of Christmas...this is our calf cart, which Kris made so we can take milk from our dairy barn to feed our calves.
When Kris worked for Caterpillar, he was gone a lot. He wanted to farm in part because he wanted to be around his kids (who weren't born yet.) This picture is a good representation of their younger childhood - we always visited Kris for some entertainment! You can tell how used they are to calves that they are mostly interested in this cup!
On the 10th day of Christmas...
This is in May 09, as our two-year-olds were walking out to the field. Kris and the tractor are in the background. This may have been the last time they wore jeans.
Taking Kris lunch, riding with him in the chopper, the kids falling asleep in the tractor, taking turns - all good memories. I'm sure many of you have similar ones!
On the 11th day of Christmas...
I present the farmiest picture that also shows the strength of genetics.
Four years ago, my dad headed up building a place to feed our cattle. Here we're discussing it as he, Cole, and I stand in the same position. Bare feet, barn cats, and silos also make the scene. Photo credit goes to my mom, who was also working on the feed pad while recording gems like this one.
On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
We moved from Connecticut to Michigan in February 2007, and we had our twins in June. I rarely dressed them alike, but I apparently couldn't resist these Santa outfits in Christmas 2008.
Also - photo quality has come such a long way in such a short time!
Friday, December 15, 2023
End of 2023
Thursday, August 31, 2023
We put Fitbits on our cows!
We put Fitbits on our cows! They're not exactly Fitbits (they're actually Allflex) but they do a lot of the same things.
They track:
Activity level - If she isn't moving around as much, it tells us that she might not be feeling right. This way we can check her even BEFORE she gets sick.
Rumination - If she's not eating as much, it could mean something is wrong or the feed isn't agreeing with her.
Other points:
AI - Not artificial intelligence...artificial insemination. By tracking her activity, we can see when she's ready to be bred.
Sort gate - You can set up the gate to automatically sort them by their collars into different areas.
Tools - It's all set up the software on our phones and computer. Everything is tracked to make sure that we have eyes on our cows and are using tools to provide them with the best quality care possible.
I've worn a Fitbit for six years. It's probably high time that our cows have them too!
Thursday, July 13, 2023
Barns painted!
Last year I was at the barn with John and Tracy, and I said offhandedly that they needed painting. (My dad couldn't remember if they had last been painted in the late 80s or early 90s. Definitely not in the last 16 years we had been farming here, anyway!) John said he wanted to paint the barns next summer.
I thought it was sort of a ... that would be nice, but Tracy and John talked about it over the year, and it became apparent - they really did want to do it!
It was a hard job. They power washed, but it really didn't take the paint off, so they scraped both buildings. It was hot, and they were covered in paint chips and sweat. We got a lift, because the barn is really tall, and it seemed really hard to do it with a ladder.
After the scraping John sprayed red paint and Tracy painted the white. It took them long days and many hours and...they look so great! Thank you so much to my dear sister and John! I can't thank you enough.
We still use these barns. They were built over 100 years ago. Still going, and better looking now!